What is Electro Shock Therapy?

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is procedure that was administered to people with severe mental illness starting in the late 40's and still going on today.  It involves a strong controlled electrical stimulation administered in a psychiatric hospital enough to induce a seizure.  
The benefits of this procedure have long been known.  In most cases, 80 percent of the patients report mild to major improvement of severe depression after ECT.
Before the actual treatment, the patient is given general anesthesia and a muscle relaxant.  Electrodes are then attached to the patients scalp and an electric current is applied which causes a brief convulsion.  Minutes later, the patient usually awakens disoriented and without memory of events surrounding the treatment. 
Side effects of ECT can include slight memory loss, adverse reactions to anesthesia, hyper- and hypotension, and ongoing heart issues throughout life.

This treatment is usually repeated three times a week for approximately one month.  The number of treatments varies from six to twelve.
This treatment takes place in a hospital and not at home.  
The cost is expensive and can run upwards of 25 thousand dollars for 10 sessions but the benefits have been dramatic for many.  

A viable at home alternative is  https://anxiety-brain-shock-cure.com/ 

ECT real life experience 

3 months after ECT -  followup 

ECT for you or not?
ECT Outpatient

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